Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Well, this is my first blocked project. I went to Walmart to get some stainless steel pins to block "Branching out" shawl - well, as I finish it is interesting that it is called that because it may look like it was branching out, but it was more like I was branching out - in using kid mohair which is fine to knit with but a PAIN to frog/tink/RIP OUT -- and I am glad to say there will be no more of that with this project. Below is a close up of the blocking - it was a little tricky and I was afraid the sides would look sort of scalloped (there must be a term when it is inverted, but back in the resources of my brain will not allow me to regurgitate the term). I placed the damp project on towels and turned my ceiling fan on high. didn't take to long to dry. I think using these pins will help me with keeping up with them while taking them out. I don't want my dear husband to find one in the middle of the night. Ounce of prevention......

I show this part of the shawl because at the end in the center, the scarf was really being pulled in so it gave the appearance of being "V" shaped - that was at the beginnning of my shawl and not sure what caused it. (If you are still reading this and know the answer, I would love feedback, so I don't repeat it) - Blocking helped it, but I was so very careful to cast on loosely and try not to be knit too tightly. Since i just took the pins all out, I will reserve the statement that it is "fixed" until time passes. This project ended up being shy of 5 feet, and took countless hours because of having to go back and fix mistakes. Took a little less than 2 skeins of kid mohair. As to its destiny, that is yet to be determined.
However, it is now finished......and I am off to other projects. Like a simple washcloth. (Oh yeah, I still have the baby blanket on needles that I took to the beach, but it is almost finished and I have another prayer shawl started, those are the ones that I do that I can go on automatic pilot on - sort of like Yarn Harlot does with her socks, but these are less portable.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hi Cathy! Welcome to the ring. There are some other Episcopal knitters on here as well (I need to post more about mine, too).

Knit on!