Wednesday, August 17, 2005


I was "playing" in the kitchen center in my classroom today with the kids and looked out of the window and saw in the schoolyard the sunflower on the left. I took the camera out to capture this image - it personifies "sunshine" to me. It must have been a gift a bird left by as there is only one plant. ( I sure can't think of the term of when birds "drop" their seed after it has been all the way through them and then they POOP it out, but I bet my friend Naomi knows - my own special friend that is a Master Gardener - she is also the one that had the old old yarn from her grandmother from another previous blog).

This evening found me with Sharon - we went to get a bite to eat and then we came back to the house - she is working on a quilt that she is finishing up and WHY DIDN'T I PULL THE CAMERA OUT TO TAKE A PICTURE? It's such a neat quilt and has special meaning to Sharon. I worked a little on a prayer shawl and then puttered around with some new yarn.
I am in the midst of reading Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It's for our church book club and is an interesting novel that is set in Africa in a Roman Catholic household gone askew with religion. The overzealousness of the devout father wreaks havoc with faith itself as he is consumed with the rules and discipline of religion. The children experience a different perspective on faith in their aunt's home when they go to visit and learn the joys of Christianity filled with song, laughter, and a different care and love of each other. An interesting read, well written, by this young African author.

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