Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Scenes from Childhood

Here are some scenes from childhood. In 1838, Robert Schumann wrote a selection of short piano pieces (13 of them to be exact) under the collective name of "Scenes from Childhood"- none of them included jumping rope or playing hopscotch. Here you see both. Don't see children doing this much anymore. Dear daughter here was running off some energy and having fun! Perhaps #5 - Gluckes genug, in D major -translated to "happy enough" will fit.

Notice the hopscotch was created for people who have tinier feet than she does, but she didn't take that into account when creating it. It's all in the process - right?


Carolanne said...

Skipping is very popular at my school especially as we have a fundraiser event called, "Jump Rope for Heart". Many schools participate in it and it keeps the skipping thing alive.

Unknown said...

Hey my kids are learning to jump rope, and to play hopscotch some of my favorite games as a kid. It is a time of giggling and laughter.