High today so far has been 81 degrees. I saw a man working outside without a shirt. Saw folks in tank tops, shorts, and sandals. I had the AC on in the car today. Feels like I might have to turn it on in the house also.
Today, Sharon and I, along with a few others, thought it would be a good idea to make it a hat day at church - well, the hat was wool and was I ever hot! I felt like saying like the Wicked Witch said on The Wizard of Oz - I'm mellllltttttiiiinnnngggg....

We sang at the state capitol today - a joyful place to sing with its marble floors and tall ceilings - the voices just swirled around and lingered for a while for all to hear. If I were to look straight up I would see the stained glass dome above me while singing. Not to worry, I did not do that. I know better. Not only was I on stairs that were old and were created for feet that were smaller than they are today, but I KNOW better than to not look at the director while on stage! (However, I did snap this picture prior to concert - the picture above was pulled off the Internet, since there were many protestors out in front as well as lots of traffic.)
This evening I hope to get some knitting done. The weekends are flying by now and the weeks are also prior to Christmas break.
Post note on this posting: Finally had to turn the AC on in the house around 8:30 - needed some cooler air.
It's finally chilly here!
Sounds like a fun concert--I love singing in unusual places like that.
I went to college in Tallahassee.
81 sounds great about now.
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