Saturday, January 21, 2006

Five Pleasures

RevGalPals posted their Friday Five (and somehow I thought the one below was it, but I must have been confused). Five pleasures in my life, not in any particular order, and not necessarily the top 5 because I think pleasures rotate according to season, experiences, and circumstances:

1. Singing good music - working through the process and getting it until it is a part of your soul.

2. Seeing the light bulb come on in a young child and they get excited about it.

3. Knitting

4. Going into a GOOD bookstore

5. going to a nice restaurant

I did not look at anyone else's pleasure lists until I did mine. I was very tempted to put massage in there, but I felt like the graphic may have prompted me. It's been so long since I have had a massage, I could not include it - don't know when I will get one either.... but they are wonderful.

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