Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Church suppers and balance

Tonight was church supper. It's feast or famine in terms of balance - tonight we had enough dessert to put any diabetic into a coma - the dessert table's cup runneth over. Vegetables were at a minimum and we had our fair share of fried chicken and a few other main dishes.

Next month, what do you bet.... we will have one dessert with the rest meats and veggies.

Does anyone see that happening? Any suggestions to a solution?


Emily said...

Sign-up sheets with slots for different items (general categories--meat, sides, dessert).

But the whole loaves and fishes thing is fun, too.

Anonymous said...

I've been to churches where they divided the alphabet - they asked you to bring a vegetbale or salad, dessert, or main dish depending on what letter of the alphabet your name began with. It seemed to work pretty well but I suppose it's dependent on whether your congregation is balanced alphabetically!

Mitchypoo said...

I'd make a list of main dishes, sides/salads, and dessert and approximate how many you need of each and put that many sign up spaces and ask people to write down their name if they want to bring that item. When the desserts fill up hopefully they'll know to bring another dish.

hip2b said...

No, no, no. Next month, everyone will assume that everyone else will bring something healthy and so they'll bring dessert!
Its and anomaly and it'll balance itself out in another month or so. No need to make a list...southern ladies know how to potluck!

Norma said...

We call them Holy Spirit potlucks and usually they work out--but occasionally . . .

I think you can never go wrong bringing a yummy vegetable dish to a pot luck. And they are a lot less trouble!

Sally said...

Had that problem! We got lots of chocolate deserts and only one salad... guess it tells us a lot about our priorities!